Saturday, August 2, 2008

Getting Confident with Opensource

After a number of success installation , i start to build the confident . But i still havent enjoy managing opensource compare to windows . I use to manage through the gui all my windows server .

But the interesting part of managing using terminal is freedom .. i can manage it anywhere as long as ia can get the ssh . another things i realize is , i understand what i've done compare to use wizard which sometime the only things i know is 'yes' or 'No' during installation .

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Portal - PHPNUKE

I start to browse sourceforge and freshmeat to get know a suitable application that can be use in my office . i realize that there a thousand application at here . There are all free application and only needs an effort to try and evaluate it ..

I'm interested to deploy portal . So staff in my office could share info and news among them . i've tried several package . Finally i made my mind to try phpnuke .

The installation is quite straight forward . same like moodle . I just need to download the package , extract the package , chmod and chown , dump the database , then i'm ready ..

I also need to customize the phpnuke for the modul and theme . This is the part that takes longer time compare to installation . I've to collect the related information that suitable and it eat a lot of my time .

The funny part is , this is not actually part of my action plan / scope of work . But i did it for myself . I believe i could show to people that opensource is a right choice . Most of people think i take a tough decision since i can just simply use microsoft sharepoint to complete the task . But i told them , if you could save the money and improve your skills , i think it is worth it ..

Finally my head department and supervisor agree to launch the portal officially . I'm so glad and proud of it . After a struggle of 3 month , i can show to people my work .. Of course some of the critic and condemn my effort . For me , the important is people are now aware that Opensource is taking over the environtment . I just need to make sure the operation is smooth so people will get confidence .
During this time , opensource usage in my office is 10% . I aimed to make opensource usage at least 35% during the end of my action plan .

........Ganbarimasho .......

Monday, November 20, 2006

My 'Big Brother'

I deploy Big Brother to monitor application and network service such as http , smtp and ping . Since this is my first opensource project and deployment , I'm suffering with editing all configuration such as httpd.conf , php.inf . I use add and remove applet (pirut)for CentOs to install and integrate php and apache . Last time during training in Japan , I have succesfully deploy Big Brother during Workshop . But I have got support from the trainer last time . So the situation is different now . I , internet and the manual will finish this deployment :) . Luckily the deployment not so hard . Just to set appropriate service for specific server to start monitor . After a week , finally I've succes deploy Big Brother in my network . I'm so proud since I can apply the skills that I gain from the training . And 1 of my action plan complete!! This project needs me to integrate php and apache only .

Monday, October 30, 2006

My Action Plan

After get aproval from my supervisor and JICA Officer , I'm on the move! I have choose to promote Opensource in my ministry IT environtment . I decided to concentrate on 2 scope . Firstly I will migrate current technology to opensource . Second, I have to train the IT personal at least to maintain opensource server . Current stuation is 95% is windows technology and 5 % which is external dns is Freebsd .
For my first scope , a lot of studies has been done to ensure that opensource technology can be adapt smoothly in my environtment . Application that can be use with opensource introduced . For starting I will deploy this application at my office :

Big Brother monitoring
Moodle LMS
Owl Intranet Document Management
Snort IDS
PHPNuke Portal

At the begining of the deployment , a lot of issues especially during application deployment . Since I've never deploy apache web server and mysql , I'm facing a problem to integrate apache + php + mysql . Before installing the application , I have to prepare the server . I have choose Cent OS 4.3 as my server operating system . Last time during JICA training , I use Red Hat . So both operating system nearly same .

Learning Management System

One more opensource application i decide to deploy is learning management system . During my training in Japan , i use moodle for training quiz and exam . so last time i ask my facilatator to guide me oj how to configure it . I need to configure apache + php + mysql and some plugin . The installation is quite simple since the manual is complete from the website . I learn on how to use mysqldump, creating database from sql script . I took about 5 days to complete the installation . I consider the installation it is quite simple than big brother .

After success installation , i dump all my manuals from my training including japanese class notes . I shared with all my friends and colleague .

Friday, September 29, 2006

OpenSource Awareness Begin

As time goes on , I just touch my Opensource server to update the DNS record . Until one day my application to attend a Network Specialist Training From JICA approved . It is my stepping stone to the opensource world and technologies . This training basically about to get deep knowledge in networks . Study syllabus such as routing , bandwith , network technologies and a lots more . I wrote a blogs while I was there click here .
In this training I have been exposed on Windows and Opensource technology . This training modules also 75% are hands on . I was trained by Japanese experienced facilitator . I have opputunity to share their knowledge and experienced . I also got a chance to build my confidence to use the Opensource technology . The training period is about 5 month including 20 days workshop . . I learn about httpd , named , postfix , big brother , checkpoint firewall , cisco network device , network troubleshooting , project management etc . There is 10 person in my group . They are from Thailand , Oman , Yemen, Mongolia , Jamaica , Sri Lanka , Romania , Philipines and Tanzania . All skills and experience that we learned are used during 20 days workshop . We have to work as a team and build the network model . The projects is about to establish an education network with over 500 schools .
After the workshop complete , all the process and procedure are documented . We bring back as our revision . Until now , sometimes I use back all the document and manuals .Beside attending 5 month training we also required to do action plan after returned . I've discuss with my supervisor and head unit . My approved action plan are opensource promotion and also training to ministry IT staff .
During the training period , we I need to present my action plan to JICA Officer and to get approval . 1 year from the date we finish the training , we have to submit a report regarding action plan progress .

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Nightmare ..

That is the day when i think i really need to use windows . hahahaha .. Why ? We have a power failure in our data centre and suddenly when my Freebsd boot up , it say "drive is not mounted cleanly " .. after a whole day i'm waiting , it still fail . I read through internet how to build the server back . but it seem not to help . Most people posting as an expert so i cant get their guides .
Take a shortcut , i build my DNS server to a separate server using Windows 2000. Since my freebsd only use pentium 3 with 256 ram . If I install windows 2000 to this server , everything looks like in flashback mode ( slow movement and action). It tooks me only 2 days to build the server . since i've learn how to manage DNS from MCSE training class ..
Eventhough the problem has been solve after building the dns server , but to me , we are now 100% happy Windows family . I read through internet about dns vulnerability and many of it tells about windows . Oh man , i'm too lazy to do all the patches . I decide to fully patch my windows dns server and sleep tightly :) .
In the same time , i still want to build back my Freebsd server . I read through internet how to build Freebsd server . During that time is 5.1 . After 2 weeks struggle finally i succeed to build the server . That is my first success in Opensource . Let me tell the truth , I feels so happy . But still nothing . I can only see login text and password . During installation , I select to install GUI . But unluckily after complete the installation , when i run startx , it says that my Display configuration is problem . So still cannot use GUI to manage my server . (Still using original server pentium 3).
I ignore to configure the GUI but concentrate to configure named service . Looking all the needed file such as named.conf , dns table file , how to configure SOA and how to manage the service . Yeaahhhh .. after a month facing the text mode , finally i got the reply from internet DNS test ( your dns configured properly .. Oh mannn. That is 2nd success and now i can admit that i've truly success building back my Freebsd server (Master DNS). I shutdown the Windows dns server since it does not satisfied me . The more challenge i get , the more excited the success .. I build back 2nd dns server and it tooks only 3 day since i've learn from the first server . Now everything looks easier . Learn from mistake . But , both dns works in master master . I still cannot make it as master slave . But i leave the server since i have involve with network and security projects ..